Award-winning comedian Roger O'Sullivan presents Polarized, a laugh-out-loud comedy show that blends sharp wit, heartfelt storytelling, and a touch of madness. Growing up in rural Ireland, Roger’s world was shaped by the quirks of his family, the charm of small-town life, and his own ever-curious perspective on the world.
With his signature style, Roger explores the fascinating realm of optical illusions, using them as a springboard to examine how we perceive the unexpected twists of life. From tales of childhood mischief to moments of poignant reflection, Polarized offers a unique blend of humor and insight that resonates with audiences.
Whether you're a fan of intelligent humor, compelling stories, or simply looking for a good laugh with a touch of depth, Polarized promises an unforgettable evening that will leave you seeing the world a little differently. Join Roger O'Sullivan as he shines a comedic light on life's dualities, proving that even in the most polarized situations, there’s room for humor and hope.
“A comedic mind with huge potential” - The Irish Examiner
“He will make you think” – The Scotsman