F Laughing Horse at the Brighton Fringe - 2024: Perform With Us

Laughing Horse at the Brighton Fringe - Performers Information


Brighton Fringe

Important information before you apply

Please read everything on this page before you apply, this describes how we operate our venues, what the costs will be, and what you will need to do to register with the Brighton Fringe. All shows will need to register with the Brighton Fringe to take part, and pay for both our venue costs, as well as the Brighton Fringe registration Fee.

Brighton Fringe runs from May 2nd to June 1st in 2025, and our venues will run every day through the Fringe.


Brighton Fringe

About Our Venues

All of our venues are set-up to a minmum standard that you'd probably equate to a small comedy or cabaret club.

By this, we mean we supply at minimum lighting to flood the stage, a PA system with cable microphones, and the ability to plug in your music device.

Some venues will have more - buy you must read our specific venue information to see which venues have more lighting, projectors, etc - all of this is here

To keep costs down, we do not supply a box office, door person or tech person for your shows as standard - to save money we find a lot of shows prefer to do this themselves, particulalrly for free of pay-what-you-want shows.

This means you can do this yourself, or bring in someone to do this. We do have the option for you to hire someone, this is on top of our normal venue fees.

We also want to encourage a team spirit amongst performers who want to perform and work together with us, it is a Fringe and we all know things will go wrong at times - if you are a prima donna with a long list of demands, then the Fringe is not the place for you!


Brighton Fringe

Shows and Performances - what we mean

Some performers get confused by the terminology used, particulalry as this is different both outside of Fringe and in different countries. Here is what we mean:

  • Show - Your show is the entity you are bringing with us to the Fringe, for however many performances you wish to have for your show
  • Performance - A single performance of your show
  • Slot or Timeslot - The series of dates and times your performances are programmed into one or more venues
  • Dateline or Schedule - A run of performances in one timeslot at a venue.
  • Free show - Your show is free entry, there are no tickets, and you can take a collection at the end for audience to pay for your show.
  • Pay-What-You-Can-Show / PWYC - People can get tickets in advance choosing thier price to reserve a place to get in, or people can turn up on the door for free to fill the remaining space. A collection is also taken at the end where people can give more money.
  • Paid Show - People buy a ticket in advance or at the door to get in for a set price.
  • The Door, run the door, Door Person - The Person who takes tickets and lets people in to your show, stops people coming in after you have started, etc.
  • Tech, run the Tech, Tech Person - The person who operates the tech equiptment, does your sound cues etc. 

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    Brighton Fringe

    Our Venue Fees

    When you accept a slot with us we let you know the costs of using our venue. This will be a flat fee, we do not ask for additional door splits or any part of door collections.  You need to pay this to confirm your slot with us.

    This fee takes into account how you charge for your show, how many performances you do, and the size of the venue - obviously the bigger venue the more return you will likely get when producing your show.

    Our Venue Fees have three elements, to work out what you pay to us as a venue - and these are different for paid, PWYC and free shows - representing the fact you are more likely to get a higher return from paid and PWYC shows.

    All of these fees go into our general costs, and our general advertising and marketing for your shows.

    These are the costs for Brighton Fringe 2024:

  • Advertising Fee - £30 for every show. This goes towards printing our venue signage,  website, advertising around Brighton and leaflets, etc.
  • Performance Fees - Our main venue costs are divided up by the number of performances you do:
  • Free and unticketed shows - £17 per performance
  • Pay-What-You-Can and Paid ticketed shows - £33 per performances
  • Capacity Adjustment - Adjusting fees as you will get more people in and make more ticket sales in bigger venues:
  • Up to 50 Seats -
  • Free Shows - No Extra
  • PWYC and Paid Shows - £1 Per Performance
  • 51 to 70 Seats -
  • Free Shows - £1 Per Performance
  • PWYC and Paid Shows - £3 Per Performance
  • 71 to 100 Seats 
  •  Free Shows - £2 Per Performance 
  • PWYC & Paid Shows - £5 Per Performance
  • 101 to 120 Seats -
  • Free Shows - £3 Per Performance
  • PWYC and Paid Shows - £7 Per Performance

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    Brighton Fringe

    Door and Tech Person Hire

    It is entirely up to you if you run the door of your show yourself, bring somebody in yourself to help, or there is the option to hire someone from us to do this.

    Do note that if your show is PWYC or Paid, you will need someone on the door to either sort out who is ticketed, or to charge people who have not yet paid. Again, this can be someone you organise yourself - one this we encourage is to use friends other acts around on the day of your show to save costs.

    If you would like to hire someone to run your door or operate your tech, the costs of this is £30 per performance, per person.  In most cases, unless your show has a lot of tech one person can do both. note that in the Temple the tech position is backstage, so it is impossible for someone to do both at the same time.


    Brighton Fringe

    Brighton Fringe Registration and Fees

    Every show needs to be registered with the Brighton Fringe for all performances, to be on it's box office and also advertised in the Fringe Programme.

    This means that once you have agreed a slot with us, you need to register your show with the Brighton Fringe - this can be done on 'Eventotron', here.

    The Brighton Fringe have a lot of resources to help you take part, please read these! You can find them here.

    Brighton Fringe Registration Deadlines for Fringe 2025

    The costs to register a show with the Fringe is cheaper if you register earlier. You are strongly encouraged to apply to us, and register with the Fringe as soon as possible. Early registeration also means your shows go on sale sooner, encouraging more ticket sales.

  • Early Bird Deadline - Monday 2nd December, 2024 - 5pm.   (Tickets on sale early - Dec 5th/6th)
  • Standard Deadline/Printed Guide Deadline - Monday 10th February, 2025 - 5pm.   (Show included in Print Prigramme, and main Fringe launch 14th Feb)
  • Digital listings Only deadline - Monday 17th March, 2025 - 5pm.   (Show on website 21st March)
  • Latecomers registration at any point after this, the sooner you register the sooner your show goes on sale on the Friday after Registraton is complete.

    Brighton Fringe Registration Fees for 2025

    The Brighton Fringe have a lot of resources to help you take part, please read these! You can find them here.

    The Brighton Fringe charge depending on the overall capacity of your venue for your run - you can find details of the Fringe's registration fees here

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    Brighton Fringe

    Applications are now open!

    If you have read all of this information, you should now apply to us to perform in 2025 - click here to log in and start your application

    If you already have a login from a previous Edinburgh or Brighton fringe you have applied for a show with Laughing Horse, please use the same login here.

    If you are applying for more than one show, you should complete a seperate application for each show.

    If you have any emails contact us on admin@laughinghorse.co.uk

    Start your show application now!