New show for 2025! A rare scripted stand-up set from Mr John Robertson, best known for his anarchic crowdwork, joyous obscenity and geeky ranting. In this joyous anarchic geeky rant Mr Robertson unleashes 40 years of his love of videogames and geek culture and spares no sacred hedgehog or dorky incel in his quest to make fun of every niche interest he has. From the highest of platinum trophies to the lowest reaches of internet influencers, this is a history of gaming unlike any other.*
*Because the guy presenting it has social skills, limited though they might be.
★★★★ “A punk rock Robin Williams” – Fringesider
Top 10 Best Reviewed Shows Edinburgh Fringe 2024
★★★★ “A force of nature” – Daily Telegraph
★★★★★ Starburst Magazine