F Laughing Horse at the Brighton Fringe - 2025 Show: Cat Milf (a work in progress) (COMEDY)

Cat Milf (a work in progress)


Cat Milf (a work in progress)

The Quadrant

12-13 North Street (Bottom of Queens Road by the Clocktower)
The Folklore Room: MAY 2-4 at 20:30 (60 min) - Pay What You Want Tickets - from £5

Book a PWYW Ticket in advance for this show to guarantee entry, or turn up at the venue for free with the option of donating at the end of the show

Cat Milf (a work in progress)

Stand-up comic and card-carrying human disaster Martha Casey is still not sure how to be an adult. Her brain is wired like a broken telephone exchange, she likes her murderous cat and 90s sci-fi more than most humans, and her sexuality can best be described by the phrase “Hnng?”

Her first solo show delves into the mysteries of life, asking such philosophical quandaries as: when during fisting is it appropriate to do a silly voice? It is OK that both her cat and her dates call her Mummy? What credentials do you need in order to qualify as a milf? Was she supposed to grow up and be normal at some point? Will she ever be allowed back to the Sealife Centre?

“Thank heavens for Martha Casey… a hot mess who is absolutely right about everything” - Reviews Hub

“One of the most refreshingly funny acts on the scene” - Dan Jones

Ticket types this year are Paid, Pay What You Can and Free - this is how it works: Paid: The show is fully ticketed and you pay in advance or on the door; Pay What You Can: You can choose to buy a ticket in advanced to guarantee entry and what to pay over a minimum amount OR turn up at the venue to get in for free in any space that is left; Free: The show is free entry and can be ticketed or unticketed. Watch the show, and the performer will ask for donations at the end for those that would like to contribute.

Press & Media for this Show

Cat Milf (a work in progress)