F Laughing Horse at the Brighton Fringe - 2025 Show: The Queen, Shakespeare and Me (COMEDY)

The Queen, Shakespeare and Me


The Queen, Shakespeare and Me

The Temple Bar

121 Western Road
Upstairs Temple: MAY 16, 23-24, 30-31 at 18:00 (60 min) - PAID - Tickets from £8

The Queen, Shakespeare and Me

The Walrus

10 Ship Street
Hideaway: MAY 8, 13-14, 27-29 at 12:45 (60 min) - PAID - Tickets from £8

The Queen, Shakespeare and Me

‘The Queen, Shakespeare and Me’ is an affectionate musical comedy tribute to a thoroughly modern, fully empowered female role model – a woman who headed up a country and united a commonwealth for more than 70 years, earning respect, admiration and affection from around the world.

From the vantage point of her final year, we see how this colourful lady head of state defined the postwar era. In this show, Carole Shaw reflects on HM’s long life and reveals her ‘all’ to her people – her undying love for her corgis, the men in her life, her singlehanded success at forging peace processes, her secret passion for motorbikes … with a surprise ‘coming out’ at 96. "Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety"

You are regally commanded to join Her Majesty for tea, free Battenburg cake & Duchy Original biscuits, and a gracious glimpse into hitherto unseen aspects of her life – with audience participation, SingalongaLiz, some Shakespeare and a quiz. We may mourn her passing and the end of an era, but HM would not have wished us to be miserable. Don't miss the UK’s answer to Mrs Maisel! Handbag – the regal older lady’s Fleabag! ★★★ “A solid, warm performance with delightfully silly moments” The Reviews Hub https://www.thereviewshub.com/brighton-fringe-amazing-adventures-of-her-majesty-at-90-sweet-venues-werks-2/

Ticket types this year are Paid, Pay What You Can and Free - this is how it works: Paid: The show is fully ticketed and you pay in advance or on the door; Pay What You Can: You can choose to buy a ticket in advanced to guarantee entry and what to pay over a minimum amount OR turn up at the venue to get in for free in any space that is left; Free: The show is free entry and can be ticketed or unticketed. Watch the show, and the performer will ask for donations at the end for those that would like to contribute.