F Laughing Horse at the Brighton Fringe - 2025 Show: Raul Kohli: Inglish (COMEDY)

Raul Kohli: Inglish


Raul Kohli: Inglish

The Quadrant

12-13 North Street (Bottom of Queens Road by the Clocktower)
The Folklore Room: MAY 27-29, JUN 3-4 at 13:00 (60 min) - Pay What You Can - Tickets from £2.50

Raul Kohli: Inglish

Award Winning Comedian, Raul Kohli considers himself: 'Inglish': Indian-English. He has lived in every corner of this glorious nation, & is fascinated by the diversity within England: from Afro-Carribeans with Hagrid's accent to white kids from Bradford with Indian accents stronger than his dad's. In this hour, Raul will analyse what it means to be English?

With anecdotes from his attempts to ingratiate himself with English culture (namely throughfootball, and alcohol and drug abuse), & analysis on the current cultural & political landscape, Raul will ask what the future means for England & whether the sun has truly set on the British Empire.

He is also better at stand up than he is at writing blurbs

Funny, Moving, Powerful' - Mike Reiss (Writer/Producer - The Simpsons)

'Inspiringly Intelligent' - Paul Sinha, The Chase

'Superb Political Comedy & Commentary' - The Scotsman

'The Worst Comedy I have Ever Seen' - EdfringeReview

'Poisonous' - Nigel Farage

As Heard on BBC Sounds Comic Sanskrit

Ticket types this year are Paid, Pay What You Can and Free - this is how it works: Paid: The show is fully ticketed and you pay in advance or on the door; Pay What You Can: You can choose to buy a ticket in advanced to guarantee entry and what to pay over a minimum amount OR turn up at the venue to get in for free in any space that is left; Free: The show is free entry and can be ticketed or unticketed. Watch the show, and the performer will ask for donations at the end for those that would like to contribute.